-Social Studies School Service
Each meticulously produced program in this gentle series takes students through a typical day in the lives of two families with small children. Other children speaking English give voice to the family members as they narrate scenes that show meal preparation and eating, jobs done in the home and outside, activities at school, home work and games, shopping trips, modes of transportation, religious customs, evening routines, and getting ready for bed. In addition to seeing the different styles of living, viewers learn interesting facts and ideas on the countries’ geography, economics and history.
-School Library Journal
We applaud Families of the World as an excellent source of providing an intriguing taste of another culture.
-Your Child Your Life Magazine
Families of the World series provides your children with a unique world tour they’ll never forget!
Explorers of all ages need travel no farther than their living rooms to learn about the lives and cultures of children around the world thank to the multi-award-winning video series Families of the World.
-Palmetto Parent
These are worth watching, especially if you home school, or teach preschool or grade school.
-Momma’s Bacon
The Families of the World Series already has 28 amazing titles under its belt and it is a great way for families to take a journey around the world to learn about other cultures from a child’s viewpoint. In fact, the series is narrated by children and always focuses on two children’s families from an urban and rural location to get the different perspectives. There are limited cuts so it feels very real-world and it’s a nice way for children to see life as it happens in each country for children as young as five (plus a limited 30 minute viewing time – perfect)
-The Mommyhood Chronicles
Families of the World is an extremely different outlook to the way some families are raised and brought up. It is a beautiful film that will teach about ways in different parts of the world. I highly recommend it.
-Video Librarian
Jam-packed with small details about daily, this addition to the popular series is recommended.
-Roy A. Barnes, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Families of Italy
The presentations are engaging, and when viewers see all the Italian cooking and meals being consumed, including 23 “personal pan-type,” homemade pizzas by Luigi’s family, they will definitely be in the mood for some Italian food of their own.
-Video Librarian
Families of Germany
A solid entry in the popular multiple-volume travelogue and cultural awareness series, this is recommended.
-Kids First!
A great way to expose children to the culture of German
families and show that they are not so different from those in the U.S.
-The IE Mommy
It was great learning experience for all of the kids and they all enjoyed watching it.
-Video Librarian
Jam-packed with small details about daily, this addition to the popular series is recommended.
-Roy A. Barnes, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Families of Philippines
The visuals of this island nation are stunning, showing off much natural beauty that this country has to offer.
-Video Librarian
A winning addition to an excellent series, this is highly recommended.
-The IE Mommy
My daughters definitely learned a lot, as did I. I felt like I had successfully snuck a history lesson into their day.
-D. Davis
I would recommend the Families of the World DVDs to anyone who would love to learn about what “normal” is for families in other parts of the world.
-Video Librarian
Families of Kenya
Offering a slice-of-life look that is sure to interest geography students and armchair travelers alike, this is highly recommended.
-School Library Journal
Families of Afghanistan
The video is very authentic, right down to the music that was recorded in Kabul, and it gives viewers an unbiased look at a young person’s life in a very different culture.
As seen on PBS